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St Patrick's Primary School, Coalisland, Dungannon
RAISE The RAISE programme is a whole community and place-based approach in localities across Northern Ireland to support the Department of Education’s vision that “every child is happy, learning and succeeding”. It helps to deliver on the mission, set by the report ‘A Fair Start’, to ensure all children and young people regardless of background are given the best start in life.The aims of RAISE are to: Invest in whole community and place-based approaches to raise achievement to reduce educational disadvantage. Enhance community-based partnerships helping every child and young person to be happy, learning and succeedingA fair start for every child and young person regardless of backgroundOur area has been selected as being eligible for this programme. Please find attached the details to an upcoming parent information session. [Open Document] | Admission to P1 2025/2026 Applications open on January 10th [Open Document]
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Santa Night Preparations

26th Nov 2024

We have been so busy getting ready for you all at our Santa Night next Monday.

Our choir are working hard to treat you all to some beautiful carols. Our classrooms have been beautifully decorated. Our outside areas have been covered with lights (thanks to our PTA over the weekend)!

We cannot wait to welcome you all. Here is a Sneak Peek into just a little of what Monday night has in store for you all.

Well done to our digital leader, Noah in P7 who assisted with this promotional video!